The Wholehearted Business Journal 2024 : Reflect on the past 12 months in your photography business and plan for an intentional year ahead

Before we get started: This letter was originally shared with my email community in December 2023. If you’d like to join us, just fill out your details at the bottom of the page to subscribe.

This week has felt FULL. I’m sure it has for you too. Zoning out at the school gates as I mentally run through the various to-do lists in my mind.

One list for work, one for Christmas, one for Biggy’s birthday which falls on Christmas Eve, and one for the general day-to-day stuff that (rather inconveniently) doesn’t magically go away just because you’ve got more on your plate.

Not to mention the increased doses of Calpol and hand-washing. Can we make it to the end of term unscathed? Unlikely.

But there’s been something on my “nice to-do list” for three years now. Something that, if you’re anything like me, I know you’ll enjoy and find value in.

There was a point at the start of the week when I almost threw my hands up in defeat.

Oh sod it…I’ll just park it till next year.

But somehow I’ve found the time to keep chipping away and now…it’s ready!


After 14 years (!) of running my business, there’s one thing I know for sure:

Nothing is fixed. We can shift, grow and change direction whenever we wish.

The Wholehearted Business Journal 2024 is designed to help you lean into your curiosity and intuition for the year ahead. An opportunity to reflect on the year just gone with gentle pride and kindness towards yourself. To face the things that haven’t quite gone your way with self-compassion and find the lessons there.

There’s business planning tools to help you take intentional steps forward and sections to encourage self-discovery and find ways to work in alignment with who you are and the things that light you up.

A little bit of heart, a little bit of strategy.

There’s also pages for colouring and doodling because…well, why not?

I’m really excited to have finally brought to life the thing that’s been buzzing around my head for the last few years.

My hope is that in spite of the Christmas chaos, over the coming weeks you might carve out a moment or two to print and sit with this journal, free from distractions. To find a little time to read, reflect and write. Just click below to download.

I’d love to hear if you find it helpful, enjoyable or inspiring, so feel free to message to let me know and if you want to share the love on Instagram, use the tag #wholeheartedbusinessjournal or tag me @suziejaygoldsmith

So with a deep exhale, I’m signing off from my letter until the new year. Thanks for being here and may the coming weeks bring you plenty of belly laughs, good food and big hugs.