5 Inspiring Podcasts to Fire up your Creativity
There’s something about the intimacy of headphones. That no matter what mood I’m in, a podcast has the potential to seriously shake things up.
Those words in my ears, on direct line to my brain are sometimes so powerful they can choke me up. Maybe it’s my own experiences of parenting after loss that provoke such a strong reaction. As crazy as this sounds, I find that waves of euphoria/ inspiration /spiritual connection go hand in hand with grief. It’s a bonkers rollercoaster of emotions but in the words of Elizabeth Gilbert, “I’ll take all of it”.
Such is the wealth of human experience.
On a practical level, I love a good podcast because it’s a very efficient way to sneak creative inspiration into my days even when I have next to no time for myself. They’re perfect for busy mums, the natural born multi-taskers. I listen to them in cars and on trains, during trips to the supermarket and while I’m cooking. They even keep me inspired while I’m washing up, bringing magic to the mundane.
So, as I know how busy you are, I’ll get to the point. Here are a few of my favourite podcasts that lift me up and keep me there.
Magic lessons with Elizabeth Gilbert
Oh my. Where to start? Elizabeth Gilbert is something of a talismanic artist for me. She inspires with absolute sincerity. No BS. Creative living is at the core of her very being so she really knows her stuff. This podcast was a follow-up to her book Big Magic and I’m so glad she kept the conversation going.
She talks to women who’ve hit some sort of block in their creative pursuits. She gives advice and the following episode, reaches out to one of her many amazing creative friends (Brené Brown, Cheryl Strayed & Rayya Elias to name a few) for their take on things. At 25mins per episode it’s bitesize perfection.
Episode Highlight
One of my absolute favourite episodes is the very first one, “Do What Ignites Your Soul”, where Liz helps a blogger grapple with creative passion, motherhood, guilt and the code of family loyalty. Man, does she know her audience!
“Mothers are the members of society who need to be given the most permission to be able to do the things that ignite their own souls. Because there’s some deep sense in the world that once you are a mother your life belongs exclusively, entirely and only to your children.”
Heartful with Brooke Schultz
Brooke Schultz is a photographer and writer with an upbeat, sugar-sweet take on creativity. Don't let her chirpy demeanour fool you though, she clearly works hard to provide great content through thought-provoking research as well as personal insight.
Brooke discusses what it means to live a (in her words) “wildly creative life” and unleash your most creative self. She offers practical tips to those seeking inspiration, all the while staying mindful of the creative process.
Episode Highlight
I particularly enjoyed no. 36: “The case for beauty" where she explores the definition of beauty and addresses the question of whether it even matters at all. Spoiler alert: It does.
“Pausing to have an experience with the beautiful is going to help you re-connect and centre yourself. It’s not a luxury it’s a necessity.”
Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations
Who doesn’t love a bit of Oprah? This is one that would have me bubbling in the aisles were I to listen to it round the supermarket. Just. So. Inspiring. Thought-leaders, best-selling authors, wellness experts and all-round amazing humans share their thoughts and experiences regarding life’s big questions. This is a perfect Monday morning listen as it’s guaranteed to lift you up, get you back in touch with your soul and closer to living your best life.
Episode Highlight
“Elizabeth Gilbert: The Curiosity Driven Life” is an episode that deserves more than one listen. During her talk, she rules that passion is overrated and often leaves us crippled with self-doubt. Far better to be inquisitive, exploring our interests with a gentle, open heart. It’s a truly insightful, wonderful listen. Highly recommend this one.
“Curiosity will never make outrageous demands upon you, curiosity only does one thing and that is to give. And what it gives you are clues on the incredible scavenger hunt of your life.”
The Creativity Habit
The Creativity Habit shares the practice behind the art and the story behind the artist. Each episode offers insight, advice and fascinating life stories. What I particularly love about this podcast is that it isn’t afraid to delve deeply into the emotionally charged areas of life and inspiration.
Episode Highlight
A real standout episode for me was “Grief, Loss and the Healing Power of Art” with Melody Ross. It’s a really inspiring conversation on how art can heal even the most broken parts of your life.
“I would sit down and the colours would come out...I would finally feel an unburdening. I would start to feel light again. I would feel like myself again.”
Letters From a Hopeful Creative
Sara Tasker & Jen Carrington are two of the wisest creative business owners in the game. Living proof that following your curiosity with kindness can lead to a fulfilling work life. Probably one that you’d never have even imagined for yourself. It’s very inspiring stuff.
They talk about finding your purpose, that thing that lights you up and address questions from fellow creative business owners. I love their Agony Aunt approach, giving sage advice to help listeners show up in their work with integrity and intention.
Episode Highlight
One of my favourite episodes was “Do I have to be authentic and deep on Instagram to be successful?” For many, finding our sharing comfort zone requires delicate balance. I particularly loved Jen’s position of not sharing anything that she hadn’t fully dealt with herself yet. When she said this, I immediately felt I had permission to take certain things off the table and that felt pretty good.
“The people you find who are similar to you, have similar values to you, have similar struggles to you. I think that is what we all go online seeking””
Have you any podcasts to recommend? As you can probably tell, I tune into a fair few and am always on the lookout for the next great listen. Please do feel free to leave me a comment or send me a DM on Instagram @suziejaygoldsmith. I’d love to hear your suggestions x
Pinterest image by Benjamin DeYoung on Unsplash