There’s one word that encompasses my approach to business and creativity : wholehearted.
In 2009, I made the decision to start a photography business. I’ve been reflecting on those days a lot lately. Thinking about the values that have shaped my creative work and the way I want to show up in the world. I’ve also been asking myself what advice I would give to someone like me, just starting out.
Brené Brown writes that wholehearted living is about cultivating courage, compassion and connection. Engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness that says "Yes, I am imperfect, but I am enough".
In my photography business mentoring work, I see the same hurdles faced by my clients time and time again. They show up with the same worries and uncertainty I have faced myself, many times over. Each session we take tentative steps, forming plans to move forwards with resilience and a willingness to explore what’s possible.
“Suzie gently nudges you when you need and pulls back when she senses you are overwhelmed. She holds your hand the whole way, whilst also letting you fly. She is magic!”
So what is a wholehearted business? I’ve been wanting to clarify this for myself for a while now, to get these thoughts out of my head and written down to further guide me on my own journey and anyone else this resonates with.
I aim to connect rather than convince
I don’t want to talk anyone into working with me. Pushy language and icky sales tactics don’t interest me. Instead, I will commit to setting the scene to make it as easy as possible for the right people to find and connect with me. I trust that if it’s the right time, the decision to work together will be an easy one. No persuasion necessary.
I let go of perfectionism and commit to moving forward with self-compassion
I know there will never be enough hours in the day and that there will always be more to do. I will be brave enough to accept that when it comes to each task on my to do list, finished is better than perfect. What I make today is good enough.
Furthermore, I embrace my imperfections
No matter what happens in the inevitable highs and lows of my business journey, I will do my best to remember that I am worthy of my seat at the table.
I value creativity over comparison
New photographers will continue to appear in my local area. I can’t control this. My strength lies in my willingness to keep showing up regardless, create my best work, and to stay in my own lane.
I commit to choosing courage over comfort, letting go of the need for certainty
Staying in the arena is a promise I make to myself. There are no guarantees in life or in business, but one thing I know for sure is that showing up is where it starts. If I can keep doing this, in whatever capacity that may be, there is always hope for tomorrow.
I renounce hustle culture in favour of a more considered, steadier pace
Overworking is not a badge of honour I want to wear. I want to lead my business purposefully into the future and prioritise a healthy work/life balance along the way. My direction matters more than my speed.
I value authenticity not as a strategy, but because I need my work to feel true to who I am
Furthermore, I will not trade my vulnerability as currency. I commit to creating content that enables me to feel safe, whilst still inviting connection. I trust that in doing so, my voice will ring loud and clear for those who it is meant for.
I commit to life-long learning and the endless evolution of my creative work
When it comes to gaps in my knowledge and skill set, I will ask myself "How can I improve?" instead of "What will they think?"
Boundaries, precious boundaries
I will create and honour the necessary boundaries that allow me to do my best work and try to remember that this is how I can best serve you, my client. Boundaries bring out the best in us both.
I will remember that it’s ok to feel big feelings
Not only is it ok, but it should be encouraged. These feelings can often act as a compass, letting us know if we’re heading in the right direction, or if we’ve wandered off our path. I trust that my intuition is worth paying attention to and that my sensitivity is my superpower.
So, why do any of this?
Because for lots of us, that cookie-cutter advice on how-to-grow-a-business-in-ten-simple-steps, doesn’t take into account the many nuances of our personality, circumstances, strengths and limitations. My hope is that this manifesto can offer a more inclusive, gentle, yet resilient approach to business. After all, the only thing we really need is the courage to stick with it, day after day, because the rest of it, we can figure out along the way.
It’s also worth remembering that much of the advice you read online is meant for those trying to grow huge followings (bloggers, affiliate marketers etc.) but for a service-based industry like photography, where you are working one on one with clients, you don’t need that same kind of traffic. You don’t need thousands of followers, you need a modest audience of like-minded souls who love what you do as much as you do, book a session and then tell their friends.
Wholehearted business is about steady, sustainable growth and personal development. Nurturing self-compassion and self-care within your creative work, because the better your working day, the better your life.
I hope this was helpful, or at least given you some food for thought. What would you include in your own photography business manifesto? If you have a moment to get in touch, DM me @suziejaygoldsmith, I’d love to hear from you.
Suzie x