Use the “Big Camera”


When I talk to people about what I do for a living there’s a certain patter that usually ensues. It goes something along the lines of “I’d love to be able to take decent photos of my kids. We’ve got a big camera but I don’t know how to use it”. Sound familiar? Maybe you’ve got as far as switching off auto mode but still don’t feel that you’ve got the hang of it?

Well hopefully I can shed a little light on the subject. Help makes things a little easier to understand. Give you some pointers here and there and maybe even a few simple exercises to help practice your skills. At the very least I hope I can get you reaching for your DSLR (big camera) a little more. 


Smartphone snaps are great & certainly have their place. Apps like Lifecake are wonderful. I’m so grateful to be able to capture, store and view the passage of time at the touch of a button. However, being able to take photos you’re truly excited to print, is really special.

Print your photos. Hang them, love them. Use them to create spaces of happy, treasured memories. Areas of warmth and beauty in your home that you’ll enjoy looking at over and over. This is where learning a little more about how to use the “big camera” can make all the difference. I shoot with a Canon 5D MKIII but you can buy a fantastic entry level camera here to get you started.


If any of this resonates, I hope we can get to know each other better. I’m over on Instagram (@suziejaygoldsmith) everyday sharing photo tips and inspiration. You can also subscribe to my mailing list to get creative pep-talks and insights straight to your inbox. As a welcome gift, you’ll also receive a free copy of Simple Snaps | 7 Days to Better Photos with your Children:

P.S. This post contains affiliate links to things I am recommending, which means that if you decide to use them, I might receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Photography tipsSuzie Jay